The Holiday Dating Guide Movie Review

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Written By Kristen

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A dating coach has to prove to her publisher that her dating techniques in The Holiday Dating Guide actually work. She sets out to show him that she can find someone in 12 days, and bring the person to his Christmas party as proof. What she doesn't expect is that she'll actually fall in love along the way.

The Holiday Dating Guide Storyline

Abigale (Maria Menounos) is a dating coach who dreams of being a published author. When she sits down with a publisher, he argues that people shouldn't need The Holiday Dating Guide to find love. That fate will bring two people together and that things will happen on their own. But Abigale argues that times have changed, and that there are certain tips to follow to find someone. So she challenges the publisher. If she can find a person in 12 days, then he will publish her book.

When Abigale starts off on her dating journey, she originally follows all of her dating advise. But, with only twelve days to find someone she has to break some of the rules. When she meets Michael (Brent Bailey) at a bar, she breaks lots of her rules by agreeing to a date right away.

While Abigale and Michael begin their romance, Abigale realizes that some of her dating tips need to be adjusted. She has strict guidelines for when you can follow-up with the person, and when you need to slow things down a bit. Abigale realizes that sometimes you need to just follow your gut, and be spontaneous.

The Holiday Dating Guide

The Holiday Dating Guide Review

The Holiday Dating Guide is cute, albeit wildly predictable. Abigale and Michael of course fall in love within the 12 day timeline. However, there's a wrinkle in that because Michael ends-up feeling used. It of course is the feeling anyone would have in that situation and is what bothered me the most about the movie. I don't think that a dating coach who cares about relationships, would set-out on such a thoughtless journey. After all, she didn't intend to fall in love. She wasn't looking for love, or a relationship. Abigale just wanted a book deal.

The Verdict: Cute. I think that the cast probably saved this one for me. I liked Maria and Brent in their roles. Brent is particularly appealing in his role as Michael. He plays a down to earth guy, and it's easy to see the connection between he and Abigale.

What the movie was lacking is emotion. As much as I could see Michael and Abigale together, I didn't get emotionally attached to them. The story just didn't have enough depth to grab my full attention. Maybe it was the pace of the movie, or something else, but I think it was missing a spark to make it a really good Christmas movie.

But if you're looking for a light, feel-good Christmas movie, The Holiday Dating Guide fits the bill. It won't move you to tears, but it may make you smile. And, remind us that there's no manual when it comes to falling in love. You have to follow your heart, and your instincts when it comes to finding love.

Watch The Holiday Dating Guide on Lifetime

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